The Ridge, River to Reef Rural-Urban Land Use Evaluation System for Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management (R3 RULES for CCA-DRM)

Located in the tropics within the Pacific  Rim  of  Fire  and  being  archipelagic,  the  Philippines  is  hazard-prone  and  most  vulnerable  to  impacts  of  climate  change.  Local government units are required  to prepare Comprehensive  Land  Use Plans  or  CLUPs  to  plan the development and...

Making Climate Change Adaptation a Multi-Disciplinary Challenge: IRIACC-CCaR Launch

by: Geonelle Louise Corneby In recent years, typhoons such as Ondoy and Sendong, as well as other natural hazards, have incurred economic losses, massive loss of lives and property and damage to infrastructure. These have, in turn, increased the need for and urgency...